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Technical Press review March 2016
Technical Press review
Dear followers, here is the 12th « Technical News » of Jamkey, which is mainly press review around Continuous Integration, development and DevOps tooling.
As you know, Continuous Integration is not only a way to build automatically, but also a path to development industrialisation.
That’s why you will find here news on Web development, build tools, architecture (API design) but also methods and processes (like DevOps).
The Devoxx France 2016 program is available !
A focus on Gradle 2.11 Continuous Build new features.
- Continuous Build- is it time to start using this by default- – Gradle
Jenkins has released updates that include important security fixes: 1.650 and 1.642.2.
- Jenkins security updates
Also interesting information about the First Preview of Android N (Developer APIs & Tools) from Android Developers Blog.
- First Preview of Android N- Developer APIs & Tools – Android Developers Blog
An interesting article on Why Agile works:
I hope you will find here some interesting information on your current investigations. Most of them are in English, but some are in French.
Don’t hesitate to comment these informations if you think they could be useful for our current challenges.
- Setting up GitLab Runner For Continuous Integration – GitLab
- Gradle 2.11 Release Notes
- Continuous Build- is it time to start using this by default- – Gradle
- Jenkins security updates
- Jenkins joins the Google Summer of Code 2016
- One-Shot Executor – Jenkins – Jenkins Wiki
- Exciting new Buildship Features coming up – Help-Discuss – Buildship – Gradle Forums
- CircleCI for OS X brings singular platform for Web and mobile development – SD Times
- Continuous Integration Using Docker
- JetBrains Toolbox introduces new versioning and release changes – build
- Comment obtenir de bons résultats avec DevOps
- dock – système init pour les conteneurs Linux – – Human Coders News
- Faster, Smarter DevOps
- One year+ feedback of using Docker and Swarm in DEV and QA environments — devops
- SonarQube 5.4 Released – SonarSource
- SonarQube Java 3.11 Released – SonarSource
- SonarQube™ » Why You Shouldn’t Use Build Breaker
- GitLab’s fastest release ever- 8.5, with Todos and Geo
- Commits Do Not Equal Productivity – GitLab
- GitLab 8.5.4 Released – GitLab
- GitLab Flow Documentation
- Oracle Bangs the JavaScript Drum with JET 2.0 Open Sourcing – Voxxed
- Webpack, ES6 (ES2015) & Babel 6 pour modulariser son application AngularJS – Blog Xebia France
- Google voudrait des versions d’Angular 2 qui fonctionnent avec plusieurs technologies côté serveur, de Java à Python
- First Preview of Android N- Developer APIs & Tools – Android Developers Blog
- Setting up GitLab CI for iOS projects – GitLab
- Why Agile Works
- BDD presentation Agile
- SOAT Blog » Chiffre-moi un avion Agile
- Micro-services et Cloud – quelles sont les interactions
- Docker en production – la bataille sanglante des orchestrateurs de conteneurs – OCTO talks !
- Support de cours sur les outils et bibliothèques pour la mise en œuvre d’architectures microservices
- Why Cloud Transformation at Netflix Happened Slowly – DZone Cloud
Java & Architecture
- O Java EE 7 Application Servers, Where Art Thou- – DZone Java
- Big Data – de la solution technologique à la création de valeur, par Xebia
- Big Data – ne cherchez pas que des Data Scientists – Alliancy, le mag
- Big Data Paris 2016 le 7 et 8 mars à Paris
- Découvrez SparkR, la nouvelle API de Spark – Blog Xebia France
- Go 1.6 is now available – JAXenter
- Using Domain-Driven Design When Creating Microservices
- What the Open API Initiative Means for the API Space – Nordic APIs –
- Why RESTful communication between microservices can be perfectly fine
- WildFly Swarm Reorganisation – Java