IBM Bluemix and Docker Webinar
IBM Bluemix and Docker Webinar
Short presentation from IBM Emmanuel Vregille
- Concepts of Docker
- BlueMix features
- Demonstrations of Docker & BlueMix
- The video of the french webinar is here:
Summary of IBM Bluemix and Docker WebInar
An open platform for distributed applications for developers and sysadmins.
Docker is an open-source project that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers, by providing an additional layer of abstraction and automation of operating-system-level virtualization on Linux, Mac OS and Windows.
Docker is a huge success. 68% of CTO and CIO are preparing a Docker study for 2016.
Docker allows : applications independent and portable, optimize resources, faster deployments, adapt to micro-services
Bluemix :
- deploy and optimize Docker container on Bare Metal
- bring Management of : images, containers, DockerHubs and DockerEngine
IBM has a partnership with Docker since june 2014
Bluemix provides :
- a development Hub + development tools
- a Service catalog to optimize resources
- deployment / scalability features / Logging / Monitoring
- as beta features : containers security scans
Bluemix offers 3 main profiles:
- IAAS with OpenStack => manage VM
- PAAS with CloudFoundry => cloud applications
- Docker container => Bare Metal Docker container management
Also a catalog of services is available (for example to get a database).
Local or Public Hub management
API and services oriented.
The JazzHub service manage development forge and release mechanism:
Build Image => Deploy and link to services => Test
The Demo consists of :
- building locally a container image of a todolist application
- deploying the container on the BlueMix Hub
- Creating MongoDB service from service catalog of BlueMix to manage a bind
- Use JazzHub to manage the container deployment
- Run the BlueMix container bind to the MongoDB service
See Youtube link below to see the demo
Important points
- IBM changes its strategy and communication and follows the path of all the main actors by using Docker containers: Google Cloud, Amazon, Microsoft Azure, RedHat OpenShift, Heroku
- IBM embrace with Bluemix and Docker the container architecture with cloud and micro-services
- Bluemix use mainly OpenSources software inside (OpenStack, CloudFoundry, Docker)
- By adding the Jazz Hub to the global picture, they bring a development forge AND a release management system (The catalog of BlueMix provide also Delivery Pipeline mechanism)
- BlueMix can hold other technologies than Java, even for backend
What can we foresee by these choices ?
- Micro-services
- API backend (not only Java: Node…)
- Applications standardized in a DevOps way with Docker
- The video of the french webinar is here:
- MOOC available on BlueMix
- BlueMix
- BlueMix MeetUp
- StackOverFlow Bluemix community
- Jazz Hub
- CloudFoundry
- OpenStack